Ecomotion Trains LA Metro on Preventative Maintenance for Solar Systems

The class is engaging and interactive. So far, EcoMotion has provided eight such trainings. EcoMotion’s Senior Solar Specialist Troy Strand leads the class and answers the many questions participants have about solar systems. His expertise allows everyone to delve into details as he shares his breadth of experience. (Some say he is “unstump-able” in Q&A mode!) He focuses on how to perform preventative maintenance safely, and regularly. Online monitoring systems are reviewed, with a focus on quick alerts to identify failures expeditiously. As the training wraps up, participants discuss next best steps for implementing a full maintenance plan. While Metro staff determines how these new skills will be put to use, EcoMotion Solar Specialists are available for ongoing support as new questions or issues arise. These training courses and long-term maintenance plans allow Metro to have the greatest possible return on its investments in solar power.