EcoMotion’s President, Ted Flanigan, has been preparing greenhouse gas inventories and climate action plans since 1991. Today, the EcoMotion team prepares campus greenhouse gas inventories using a number of different protocols that address Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Inventories provide a snapshot of a campus’s carbon footprint, and a baseline from which to measure and prioritize specific steps and mitigation strategies.
Climate Action Plans (CAPs) codify an academic institution’s commitment. CAPs document progress to date on campus and present goals for carbon neutrality with specific milestones, accountable parties, and tracking mechanisms. Each CAP delves into sustainability domains (energy, water, transportation, food, health and wellness, etc.), presenting short and long-term goals and strategies. Climate Action Plans present a path to carbon reduction and neutrality commitments, with marginal costs assessments and phased approaches to achieve commitments.