Energy Storage in Focus at Green Energy Entrepreneur Series Workshop #2 at UC Riverside April 21st

On Tuesday, April 21st, the second workshop in a three-part series developed by EcoMotion for the Inland Empire and Desert Community College Consortium will be held at University of California at Riverside. Together, our goal is to inspire entrepreneurs in the green space, and to launch green careers in the most promising areas. The workshop will be held at UCR’s Bourns College of Engineering – Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT) at 1084 Columbia Avenue, Riverside, CA 92507.

The first workshop featured “Solar Technologies” and was highly successful. Next we shift to “Advanced Energy Storage” on April 21st at University of California at Riverside. It will run from 9:00 – 2:00. The third and final session will be on “Microgrids and Smartgrids” on May 19th at the Inland Empire Economic Partnership in San Bernardino.

EcoMotion’s Senor Solar and Storage Specialist Troy Strand will serve as the session’s facilitator. Dr. Alfredo Martinez-Morales, Managing Director, Research Faculty, Southern California – Research Initiative for Solar Energy Center, will provide a market overview and will serve as a panelist. We’re pleased to introduce Greg Weyl of STEM, a leading provider of distributed storage systems that just won a large contract with Southern California Edison; and Geoff Danker  of Southern California Gas who will discuss the future of the gas company and its potential and fascinating role in storing electricity as methanated hydrogen.

The Energy Storage workshop will provide insights into each segment of the energy storage market, residential to commercial, institutional, and utility scale. We’ll be looking at electricity storage solutions, plus thermal storage and the Gas Company’s novel plan. Each speaker has been given specific instructions: “The workshop is intended to inspire, to motivate, to show new avenues and career paths. I encourage each of you to speak less about your company – and more about you! How did you get to where you are now?

For more information, please contact Codi Leitner at (949) 450 – 7154 or at