EcoMotion’s Progress Quantifying Campus Sustainability

EcoMotion has recently finalized Bryant University’s Second Sustainability Plan. The revised Plan features sustainability metrics. Guided by Bryant’s Chief Financial Officer, the Plan uses weather and student-count normalized data to gauge progress on a host of sustainability goals, from energy to water use and the food procured and served in the dining hall.

The Plan provides background on past and current initiatives, outlines strategic goals, and reports on current metrics across ten domains. The domains include academics and research, energy, buildings and land use, health and wellness, transportation, waste reduction and recycling, water, community engagement, food and dining, and supply chain management.

The most unique aspect of Bryant’s latest Sustainability Plan is its robust implementation tracking system. The user-friendly table assists stakeholders in tracking the goals for which they are responsible with the corresponding domain, goal description, metric, and year.

While Bryant is keen on environmental stewardship, the Plan serves as a quantifiable document to guide programs and initiatives. EcoMotion is helping the university achieve its sustainability goals with some precision and measurability. Barry Morrison, CFO, has been driving the effort and to his credit… the university is saving money while fostering stewardship.

The Sustainability Plan serves as a road map. It is a testament to the University’s commitment to becoming a more sustainable campus community across operations, engagement, and academics. The Plan aims to mitigate adverse campus impacts, amplify constructive practices, while fostering innovation on and off campus.

The Plan also features a $16,378,638 investment list that documents steps taken on campus to achieve sustainability goals. The majority of the investments were energy efficiency upgrades.

This past year, EcoMotion also guided Bryant in securing its new dining service contract. Strict sustainability criteria were introduced to select a provider whose principles are aligned with the University’s.

To view the Sustainability Plan 2 please