Lancaster Mandates Solar


lancaster-solar-home-588x441Lancaster will require at least 1kW for every new home

The Mayor of Lancaster is at the wheel and pushing the speed limit, driving a carbon-free initiative. His California city made history on March 26th when city council there unanimously adopted an ordinance that will require all new homes built after January 2014 to be fitted with solar systems.

A home on a 7,000 square foot lot will be required to have a minimum of 1 kW of photovoltaics. Model homes will have to display appropriate systems. “The global warming buy ambien canada crisis will be solved by neighborhoods, not nations,” said Mayor R. Rex Parris.

Lancaster’s ordinance is flexible. Builders can aggregate solar systems on car ports or other open areas. They can also buy credits from other solar systems as long as they are within the city limits.

Lancaster is a city of 160,000 people at the northern tip of Los Angeles County. In July 2012, it was ranked number third among California cities for installed solar capacity, after San Diego and San Jose. Since then, Bakersfield and Fresno have slipped above Lancaster in the ranks