EcoMotion Is Advisor to Capital Group Companies for Largest Solar Installation in Orange County


Contact: Virginia Nicols, Corporate & Community Relations, EcoMotion

(949) 450-7153,

Irvine, CA October 8, 2010

EcoMotion Facilitates Installation of Largest Orange County Solar Project To Date

Shade Structures Support 1 MW AC System at The Capital Group Companies

The Capital Group Companies has completed the installation of a 1 MW solar photovoltaic system for its Irvine Campus. The system, mounted on shade structures on the roofs of three parking garages, will provide nearly 50% of the energy used to power the data center and central plant equipment, the largest load on the campus. It will save $14 million in energy costs over 25 years, and likely more thereafter.

The project was facilitated by independent solar advisory firm EcoMotion, also located in Irvine. As “owner’s representative,” EcoMotion was brought aboard at the very beginning of the project to help provide specialized expertise.

“Our goal was to understand both the property and the goals of the owner before moving ahead to draft an RFP,” said Ted Flanigan, EcoMotion President. “The goals were clear – install a high-quality system that would demonstrate the organization’s commitment to providing an environmentally-friendly workplace with the most effective payback. The property, however, required that we look at a number of different design options.”

Analysis of the campus’ solar potential focused more on utility rates than on roof space. Ultimately, it was agreed to funnel power from three parking structure installations to the building with the largest electric load or electricity use. This required putting in nine miles of conduit, and 48 miles of copper wire.

EcoMotion facilitated the drafting of a tight RFP and assembled a list of qualified buy non generic xanax contractors, who delivered clear and competitive bids. Independent Energy Solutions (IES), of Vista, CA, was chosen to design and construct the system.

As with any large project, this one faced challenges that EcoMotion helped work though. One in particular deserves notice. Per Reid McCartney, vice president of facilities at the Capital Group, “…Ted Flanigan has a solid understanding of the Capital Group’s desire to provide an environmentally-friendly workplace for our associates. He also recognizes that we need to balance that desire with the financial realities of a project of this scope. He provided strong knowledge of utility company processes, and sound leadership skills which proved instrumental in resolving the handling of the California Solar Initiative program rebates.”

EcoMotion continues to provide on-going advisory services, currently focused on the Capital Group getting the most advantageous rates offered by their local utility.

The Capital Group Companiesis a global, investment management firm serving individuals, families, corporations, governments and non-profit organizations. Founded in 1931, the Capital Group is the home of American Funds, one of the three largest mutual fund families in the United States. The organization employs nearly 7,500 associates in 22 offices. Nearly 2,000 associates work at the 34-acre Irvine Campus.


EcoMotion and its principals have assisted with analysis and project facilitation on dozens of solar installations in California and other states. Headquartered in Irvine, CA, the company delivers cost-effective greening solutions to cities, corporations and campuses, applying communications and technical expertise to help clients define and achieve their goals.