Ted Flanigan Gives Keynote Address at CleanTech Law Summit


Contact: Virginia Nicols, Corporate & Community Relations, EcoMotion

(949) 450-7153, vnicols@ecomotion.us

Irvine, CA September 18, 2009

Ted Flanigan Gives Keynote Address at CleanTech Law Summit

Identifying Megatrends and New Market Opportunities

Ted Flanigan, President, EcoMotion, kicked off the daylong Summit on CleanTech Law and The New Energy Policy held at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles on September 18, 2009. His presentation, The Big Energy Picture: From Total Dependence to Net Zero, identified megatrends and new market opportunities for energy leaders and industry professionals in attendance.

EcoMotion takes an active role in tracking and supporting progressive energy actions from around the world. Over the past 12 months, Flanigan has visited countries as diverse as Spain, the Philippines and Korea to better understand global as well as U.S. policies and markets. He brought these experiences to bear as he discussed trends including:

  • Decentralization
  • Sustainability
  • The New Energy Economics
  • Political Will

“Governments both here and abroad are considering their policies toward energy while they struggle to turn their individual economies around,” said Flanigan. “These political changes, along with new technologies and new financing opportunities, are poised to change the world we live in.”


Based in Irvine, CA, EcoMotion’s mission is to promote positive change for a healthy, sustainable future. In addition to working with cities and non-profit organizations, EcoMotion sponsors international study tours. Drawing on its extensive network of energy and environmental professionals, EcoMotion’s tours are designed specifically for industry professionals. Two recent tours, to Germany and Spain, took participants into the center of global solar installation activity. EcoMotion subsequently published reports on each of these countries as part of its Results Center series.