Commuter CFL Giveaway


Contact: Virginia Nicols, Corporate & Community Relations, EcoMotion

(949) 450-7153,

Irvine, CA December 21, 2006

EcoMotion President Ted Flanigan Gives Fellow Metrolink Riders an Environmentally-Friendly Christmas Present

On December 21, 2006, “Santa” Ted Flanigan and his helpers distributed 389 CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs), one to every person boarding Metrolink Train 609 between Irvine and Union Station in Los Angeles.

“We want to reward people for taking alternative transportation,” said Flanigan as he handed a boxed bulb to a somewhat dubious but willing passenger on the station platform before the train departed. “And we want to challenge everyone to change out all of their regular light bulbs for energy efficient ones.”

CFLs have become much more widely known over the past few months, as countries as diverse as Australia and Austria have begun to promote them. Fluorescents offer a number of improvements over traditional incandescent technology. They use only ¼ as much energy to put out the same amount of light. They are cooler than incandescents and last as much as ten times longer. Prices, which used to be high, have steadily come down. Today, with incentives provided by Southern California Edison, CFLs can be purchased for as little as $.50 each.

“One of EcoMotion’s guiding principles is The Power of the Increment,” said Flanigan. “Every time that someone takes the train instead of driving, or uses fluorescent lights instead of incandescents, or turns off a TV or recycles an old refrigerator – every time, this makes a small difference in how much energy we’re using and how much greenhouse gas we’re responsible for.”

EcoMotion is based in Irvine. The EcoMotion network of people and organizations believes that their actions can serve as positive examples to change behaviors in their own communities and worldwide. EcoMotion principals design and implement customized, energy-related programs for schools, cities, businesses and utilities.