China’s energy Director Chen Hosted by EcoMotion


Contact: Virginia Nicols, Corporate & Community Relations, EcoMotion

(949) 450-7153,

Irvine, CA October 18, 2006

China Energy Director Chen Jiang-Hua Tours Southern California:

Host Ted Flanigan of EcoMotion Highlights Statewide Efficiency and Demand Response Gains

On October 18, 2006, Chen Jiang-hua, Director of China’s National Demand Side Management (DSM) Center, visited Southern California as part of the continuing technical exchange sponsored by the China/US Energy Efficiency Alliance.

Ted Flanigan, President of EcoMotion of Irvine, CA, was asked by the NRDC, on behalf of the Alliance, to introduce Director Chen to efficiency policies and programs in California and to share with him some of California’s experience as the world’s leader in demand side management.

The China/US Energy Efficiency Alliance was started a year ago to provide practical support for China in developing policies and programs to improve energy efficiency. All three of California’s major investor-owned energy utilities are Corporate Partners in the Alliance. Flanigan arranged for Chen to visit and tour both Southern California Edison’s CTAC (Customer Technology Applications Center) in Irwindale and Southern California Gas Company’s ERC (Energy Resource Center) in Downey.

The group then headed to Santa Monica, where Chen met city representatives, toured a number of green buildings, and ended the day on the pier next to the solar-powered ferris wheel.

Chen was particularly interested in the use of third parties to implement energy efficiency, something that doesn’t exist in China.

“We have many reasons to help China harness efficiency as an energy resource,” said Ted Flanigan, “not the least of which is that the more coal they burn, the worse our air quality in California will be due to trans-Pacific pollution.” The Chinese government has, in fact, set a goal to cut energy use by 20% over the next five years.

Flanigan provided perspective on California energy policies and policymakers, as well as details about how system benefits charges, resource procurement funds and municipal actions have spurred efficiency and demand response gains in Southern California. EcoMotion specializes in efficiency and demand response program design and implementation.


Based in Irvine, CA, EcoMotion’s mission is to promote positive change for a healthy, sustainable future. To accomplish its mission, it applies the power of positive example and the power of the increment (many small actions building on other small actions) in the energy-related programs it designs and implements for schools, organizations, cities and utilities.