Expert electrical third party reviews, field inspections during construction
Quality control
Public Relations
Press releases
Articles in trade journals
Communications with employees and building occupants
Photographic documentation throughout
Inspections and Ongoing Monitoring
Solar system inspections (utility and electrical)
Five-year third party system monitoring
Alarms and field recommendations
EcoMotion has a wealth of experience in solar, from policy development, designing utility and city programs, managing projects and programs, to inspecting systems, and everything in between. We’ve taken teams of experts on international study tours to learn about solar.
EcoMotion offers independent consulting services as “owner’s representative” to help companies, institutions, and campuses develop solar strategies and build projects. Our team provides comprehensive energy and capacity, rate offset, and financial savings analysis. We then provide full-term project management services to get solar on the roof – or on the ground, as the case may be!
Despite increased attention and press about the benefits of renewable energy, very few business owners or facilities managers have had first-hand experience buying or leasing a solar system. EcoMotion is ready to help fill this gap in understanding.
EcoMotion does not represent any manufacturer or contractor. While we are solar advocates, proponents of incentives and tax benefits, we adhere to the role of “honest broker” of solar for our city, utility, and corporate customers, careful not to overstate this promising technology’s current and applied performance.
In the past six years, EcoMotion has worked with hundreds of homeowners, schools, city facilities, and major corporations. We provide independent analysis and project management services. EcoMotion has also worked with many solar contractors, building a database of their special skills and strength.