Competition, regulatory pressure, consumer interest, and concern for the bottom line are forcing businesses not only to think, but to act greener than ever before. EcoMotion helps companies examine their footprints – in terms of energy, water, carbon, and other resources – to assess their options for smart energy management, and to then help them take next responsible steps toward sustainability.
We do this in lots of ways. From 2021 - 2023 EcoMotion served as the “eco-conscience” of a high-end, 40 condominium development in Lake Tahoe. EcoMotion guided the development team on the complex’s lifetime impact. A big focus was a high-up-front cost geo-exchange system. We addressed winter pool and spa use through operations and with design effective for covers. We advocated that each unit have battery energy resilience linked to its own vehicle-to-grid capable EV chargers. The complex featured circadian-rhythm lighting, living walls, and meditation.
For other clients, we have examined product lines through a sustainability lens from cradle to grave. We analyze operations through an energy lens. We craft corporate sustainability plans using facilitated input, developing goals and phase one activities. A country club project involves tree planting, HVAC upgrades, and solar. Working with clients, we define missions and set goals and then present strategies for action in sustainability.