
EcoMotion Facilitates Monthly Massachusetts Sustainability Coordinators Roundtable

EcoMotion is pleased to coordinate and facilitate the monthly Massachusetts Schools Sustainability Coordinators Roundtable call. Pioneered by Rick Reibstein from the State of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and the non-profit Second Nature, the Roundtable advances communications, builds relationships, and shares best practices in campus sustainability throughout New England. Past topics have included approaches to energy management in large facilities, air emissions regulations, and student engagement in sustainability on campus.


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On October 25th, Food and Organic Waste was in focus. Sustainability coordinators from regional colleges including Tufts, Mount Holyoke College, Lesley University, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester State, and North Shore Community College met for presentations by John Fishstein from Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Sara Cadorette representing Food Day, Heather Billings from Center for Eco Technology and Recycling Works, and Dawn Quirk from Tufts Recycles. New Massachusetts regulations will require major institutions to divert food wastes, added to the list of banned materials from normal waste streams there like glass and aluminum.

Please email Talia Arnow at EcoMotion to participate!