There’s Energy Resilience in the Garage! An Essay on Electric Vehicles and Emergency Back-Up Power

We’ve all gotten used to the concept of electric vehicles. Simple. Like an appliance, they draw power from your home and provide exceptional mobility. So far, EVs have been about drawing power away from buildings. What about the other way around?

How about powering buildings with cars? What about using electric cars, trucks, and buses to plug in and charge? This is the vehicle to grid movement (V2G) – linking our mobility with our homes and businesses, finding synergies.

A subset of this is powering our homes during power outages. This short article focuses on how our cars can someday serve as emergency power sources! Cars to buildings… more accurately car batteries to buildings. Let’s dig into the nuts and bolts of this simple concept. As more and more of us drive EVs, their use for emergency back-up will be common in the future.

Click here to read the full white paper.