Boys and Girls Club of Pomona Valley Celebrates Earth Day with New Solar System


Contact: Virginia Nicols, Corporate & Community Relations, EcoMotion

(949) 450-7153,

Irvine, CA April 25, 2011

Boys & Girls Club of Pomona Valley Celebrates New Solar Electric System

University of Phoenix Donates Funding; Project Managed by EcoMotion

For the past week, students at the Boys and Girls Club of Pomona Valley focused on solar and solar energy, and capped off their activities by joining in an Earth Day community celebration of a new 5 kW solar system. The University of Phoenix donated the money for the system, and Irvine-based EcoMotion managed the process of selecting the recipient, the right roof and the right contractor for the job.

Victor Caceres, Executive Director of the Club, served as Master of Ceremonies of the ribbon-cutting ceremony. While students assembled in the gym for fun activities, including a solar slide show, adults viewed the system’s actual solar production on a big-screen monitor. “In just 14 days, the system has produced enough electricity to cover half this building’s monthly bill,” said Caceres. The system should continue to serve the Club for a long time to come: solar panels carry a 25-year warranty, and are likely to last years beyond that.

The group also heard from community leaders about the importance of solar to Pomona from a jobs perspective, and the role renewable energy will play in all our futures. University of Phoenix’s Southern California Campus Director, Kendra Angier, described the greening of UOPX facilities, and the development of training programs for green jobs.

“At University of Phoenix, we recognize our responsibility to the environment and are committed to educating future generations about the significant role we all share in sustaining our natural resources,” she said.

Having the system up and running by Earth Day meant meeting an aggressive deadline.

Drew Lowell-Britt, who managed the project for EcoMotion, complimented the installation contractor: “SoCal Solar didn’t let the paperwork required by the City or Edison (the local utility) stand in the way — and they even got a discount on the panels from manufacturer SolarWorld!”


EcoMotion has assisted with analysis and project management on dozens of solar installations in California and other states, acting as independent advisor to the property owner. Headquartered in Irvine, CA, the company delivers cost-effective greening solutions to cities, corporations and campuses, applying communications and technical expertise to help clients define and achieve their goals.