Contact: Virginia Nicols, Corporate & Community Relations, EcoMotion

(949) 450-7153,

Irvine, CA September 3, 2008

EcoMotion Brings Sun Power to Anaheim Schools

Ten Schools To Get Demonstration Solar Projects with Accompanying Educational Activities

Anaheim Public Utilities has selected the team of EcoMotion, Inc. and The Rahus Institute to implement the next phase of its Sun Power for the Schools program. Rahus’s mission is environmental education, with a particular focus on its Solar Schoolhouse program, started in 1998. EcoMotion, a green consulting firm, brings a wealth of experience to Anaheim as facilitator for Solar Santa Monica, and has a passion for taking action and managing demonstration projects to completion.

Starting this year, Sun Power for the Schools will offer ten schools within Anaheim the opportunity to “host” a one-kilowatt demonstration system. Candidates for the systems will be selected based on interest and site possibilities.

The demonstration systems will be at the core of a learning experience that will start even before construction, and carry on for years as the systems continue to generate energy and offset greenhouse gases. EcoMotion will be responsible for outreach efforts to involve students, parents, and the wider community; Rahus will provide teacher trainings, student curricula, and ongoing monitoring. EcoMotion will be responsible for each system’s installation.

“Anaheim has always had a strong commitment to solar,” said Dina Predisik, who is managing the project on behalf of the utility’s Business & Community Programs. “We have installed solar on City buildings, encouraged customers with our solar buy-down program, educated customers and staff, and are always on the lookout for new solar ideas and technologies. We are excited about Sun Power for the Schools as our next step.”

EcoMotion recently completed solar demonstration projects at the Long Beach Airport and at Miami City Hall. “Working at a school has special challenges with regards to safety and security, as at any public site,” says Ted Flanigan, President of EcoMotion. “But our Anaheim school solar systems have the potential of truly inspiring a whole generation of students. We see this as a tremendous win-win.”


Based in Irvine, CA, EcoMotion’s mission is to promote positive change for a healthy, sustainable future. To accomplish its mission, it applies the power of positive example and the power of the increment in the energy-related programs it designs and implements for schools, organizations, cities and utilities.

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