District Hall in Boston’s seaport district has been called the city’s new home for innovation. It is a LEED Silver certified building and a hub for new and cutting edge ideas. For Earth Day 2014, EcoMotion has partnered with Impact Hub Boston and organizations around New England to coordinate a gathering of more than 350 change makers to innovate and connect around sustainability.

You may be asking yourself, “unConference? is that some kind of a typo?” Actually, unConference is a conference where the attendees shape the agenda. There will be several programmed panels, exhibitors and thematic spaces, but the majority of the unConference content will be up to you! As Wikipedia says, “… at an unconference, the agenda is created by the attendees at the beginning of the meeting. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic can claim a time and a space. Unconferences typically feature open discussions rather than having a single speaker at the front of the room giving a talk, although any format is permitted. This form of conference is particularly useful when the attendees generally have a high level of expertise or knowledge in the field the conference convenes to discuss.”

Are you knowledgeable about some aspect of sustainability? Are you passionate about changing the path we’re on as a society? Are you excited to see what can come out of a gathering of Boston’s change-makers? Space is limited — reserve your spot now!

Register for the event at:


If you are interested in hosting a session, or volunteering at the event, please contact Talia Arnow at EcoMotion, TArnow@ecomotion.us.

When: Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 5:00PM to 10:00PM
Where: District Hall 75 Northern Ave. Boston 02210.
Stay tuned on Twitter: #susunconf

5:00PM Doors open for networking reception and presentation tables
6:00 Welcome to the group from sponsors, instructions and room
assignments given
6:30-7:15 Session 1
7:30-7:50 Keynote Address
8:00-8:45 Session 2
8:45-9:30 Session 3
9:30-10:00 Conclusion

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