EcoMotion’s Second Annual Sustainability unConference filled District Hall with energy and ideas in the evening of Earth Day, April 22. Along with EcoMotion, the event was sponsored by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and District Hall.  The unConference attracted nearly 300 participants to 21 sessions, keynote speeches, and nearly two dozen exhibitors from Next Step Living to Best Bees. The unConference was supported by 50 partners including ZipCar, Earthos Institute, the Sustainable Endowments Institute, and Impact Hub Boston.

IMG_7611-4-310x175Last year, the unConference was held at the Cambridge Innovation Center. This year, EcoMotion tried something brand new, partnering with District Hall, “Boston’s new home for innovation.” Sierra Flanigan, EcoMotion’s Director of Campus Services, opened up the unConference. “What a pleasure to look out and see so many eager and inspired faces. This is our second year of coming together on Earth Day to celebrate and collaborate.” After welcoming remarks, participants voted on proposed sessions to “self-organize” the gathering. Session topics included Green Revolving Funds, Eco XX Women Leaders, Zero Growth Economics, and Sustainable Lifestyles and Fitness.

IMG_7716-2-310x175The results were clear. According to EcoMotion Campus Coordinator Talia Arnow, “this generates energy and ideas for us all.” Witnessed by the 2014 unConference, the sustainability movement in and around Boston is strong and vital.

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